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Dr Rhonda Elloway-Stephens
Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine

Dr. Rhonda Elloway-Stephens has been practicing in the field of Dentistry for 40 years. She followed in her fathers’ footsteps with a similar passion for serving people and improving their quality of life through providing caring relationship driven, clinically excellent dental treatment. Dr. Elloway-Stephens is known for her warm and friendly personality, honest assessments, and thorough attention to detail.
Dr. Elloway-Stephens graduated MagnaCum Laude highest honors from Loma Linda University, California in 1982 with a Dental Hygiene and then in 1990 with a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) Cum Laude in 1990. She received multiple awards at graduation including the honor of being inducted into the exclusive Omicron Kappa Upsilon dental society (top 12% of class) Dr.Elloway-Stephens recently earned Diplomate status with the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, one of only 12 in BC with this designation and working in this specialized field. This credential is regarded widely as the gold standard for excellence in Dental Sleep Medicine.
A strong believer in continuous education and the latest advancements in her profession, Dr. Elloway-Stephens attends 100+ hours of continuing education a year. She most recently narrowed her education to “Airway Centric” dental treatments and therapies that include: advancements in digital dentistry , Laser therapies for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea, “airway” focused Invisalign orthodontics, assessing and treating tongue tie as it relates to compromised oral posture and craniofacial growth patterns, interventional treatment with growth guidance appliances, Maxillary expansion for children and adults, myofunctional therapy, adjunctive treatments to address poor nasal respiration, sleep apnea and TMJ dysfunction connections, to name just a few of the many areas of advanced study.
Educating and raising public awareness of the many ways dentistry can assist patients with Sleep Apnea, breathing disorders, and growth, development, and health of the jaws and TMJ is a commitment that Dr. Elloway-Stephens is passionate about. Oral Appliance Therapy, a physician recommended and proven treatment for primary snoring and sleep apnea, has unfortunately not been offered to many that are C-pap intolerant and go untreated and continue to suffer these conditions. It is Dr. Elloway-Stephens greatest desire that through Premier Sleep Wellness and the support, education and treatment provided there, many willbe able to experience quality sleep and vibrant life.

Providing you with the best doctors for the best care
Dentists who are Diplomates of the ABDSM have demonstrated that they have the skills and knowledge essential for the delivery of excellent patient care. The ABDSM believes higher standards for dental sleep medicine translate into better care for patients and greater accountability. The ABDSM credential is widely recognized as the gold standard for excellence in dental sleep medicine.
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